Verena Yoder1

F, b. 12 March 1688
     Verena Yoder was born on 12 March 1688.1 She was the daughter of Johann "Hans" Yoder and Cathrin Risser.1

Hans Yoder1

M, b. 19 November 1685
     Hans Yoder was born on 19 November 1685.1 He was the son of Jacob Yoder and Verena Kaufmann.1

Christian Yoder1

M, b. 6 February 1687
     Christian Yoder was born on 6 February 1687.1 He was the son of Jacob Yoder and Verena Kaufmann.1

Anne Yoder1

F, b. 16 August 1688
     Anne Yoder was born on 16 August 1688.1 She was the daughter of Jacob Yoder and Verena Kaufmann.1

Peter Yoder1

M, b. 2 August 1685
     Peter Yoder was born on 2 August 1685.1 He was the son of Christian Yoder and Barbara Gerber.1

Christian Yoder1

M, b. 20 March 1685
     Christian Yoder was born on 20 March 1685.1 He was the son of Christian Yoder and Barbara Gerber.1

Anna Yoder1

F, b. 16 April 1682
     Anna Yoder died; in childhood.2 She was born on 16 April 1682 at Steffisburg, Berne, Switzerland.1,3 She was the daughter of Caspar Yoder and Verena Stauffer.1


  1. [S423] Yoder Newsletter, online,
  2. [S423] Yoder Newsletter, online,
  3. [S789] Swiss Anabaptist Genealogical Association, 2010.

Anna-Ottilie Yoder1,2

F, b. 20 May 1683
     Anna-Ottilie Yoder married Antoni Stauffer.1 Anna-Ottilie Yoder was born on 20 May 1683 at Steffisburg, Berne, Switzerland.1,2,3 She was the daughter of Caspar Yoder and Verena Stauffer.1


  1. [S423] Yoder Newsletter, online,
  2. [S423] Yoder Newsletter, online,
  3. [S789] Swiss Anabaptist Genealogical Association, 2010.

Antoni Stauffer1

     Antoni Stauffer married Anna-Ottilie Yoder, daughter of Caspar Yoder and Verena Stauffer.1

Hans Yoder1

M, b. 24 October 1686
      Hans Yoder was also known as Johann.1 He remained after his father at St. Germanshof at St. Germanshof, Weissenburg, Rheinpfalz, Germany.2 He married Katherina Oesch.1 Hans Yoder was born on 24 October 1686 at Steffisburg, Berne, Switzerland.1,2 He was the son of Caspar Yoder and Verena Stauffer.1

Children of Hans Yoder and Katherina Oesch

Katherina Oesch1

     Katherina Oesch was born at Salzwoogerhof, Steffisburg, Berne, Switzerland.2 Katherina Oesch was also known as Catherin Esch.2 She married Hans Yoder, son of Caspar Yoder and Verena Stauffer.2

Children of Katherina Oesch and Hans Yoder

Christian Yoder1

M, b. 15 February 1691
     Christian Yoder was born on 15 February 1691 at Steffisburg, Berne, Switzerland.1,2 He was the son of Caspar Yoder and Verena Stauffer.1 Christian Yoder married Anna Maria Clauss.1,2

Children of Christian Yoder and Anna Maria Clauss


  1. [S423] Yoder Newsletter, online,
  2. [S789] Swiss Anabaptist Genealogical Association, 2010.

Anna Maria Clauss1

      Anna Maria Clauss was also known as Anna Maria Klaus.2 She married Christian Yoder, son of Caspar Yoder and Verena Stauffer.1,2

Children of Anna Maria Clauss and Christian Yoder


  1. [S423] Yoder Newsletter, online,
  2. [S789] Swiss Anabaptist Genealogical Association, 2010.

Caspar Yoder1

M, b. 1 September 1695
     Caspar Yoder married Magdalene Gungerich.1 Caspar Yoder was born on 1 September 1695.1 He was the son of Caspar Yoder and Verena Stauffer.1

Magdalene Gungerich1

     Magdalene Gungerich married Caspar Yoder, son of Caspar Yoder and Verena Stauffer.1

Peter Yoder1

M, b. 18 February 1700
     Peter Yoder was born on 18 February 1700.1 He was the son of Caspar Yoder and Verena Stauffer.1

Barbara Yoder1

F, b. 29 October 1703
     Barbara Yoder was born on 29 October 1703.1 She was the daughter of Caspar Yoder and Verena Stauffer.1

Veronica Yoder1

F, b. 1707
     Veronica Yoder married Johann Eichelberger.2 Veronica Yoder and Johann Eichelberger lived; Das Ehepaar Johann Eichelberger und seine Frau Veronica Joder
wohnten spater auf einer Muhle in Waldhambach und anschliessend
eine Muhle in Vorderweidenthal

The married couple Johann Eichelberger and his wife Veronica Joder lived much later on a mill in Waldhambach and afterwards a mill in Vorderweidenthal.2 Veronica Yoder was born in 1707.1 She was the daughter of Hans Yoder and Katherina Oesch.1

Jakob Yoder1

M, b. 1708
     Jakob Yoder married Anna Oesch.1 Jakob Yoder was born in 1708 at St. Germanshof, Weissenburg, Rheinpfalz, Germany.2,1 He was the son of Hans Yoder and Katherina Oesch.1

Child of Jakob Yoder and Anna Oesch

Anna Oesch1

      Anna Oesch was also known as Esch.2 She married Jakob Yoder, son of Hans Yoder and Katherina Oesch.2

Child of Anna Oesch and Jakob Yoder

Samuel Yoder1

M, b. 1740
     Samuel Yoder married Marta Gungerich.2 Samuel Yoder was born in 1740.1 He was the son of Jakob Yoder and Anna Oesch.1

Marta Gungerich1

     Marta Gungerich married Samuel Yoder, son of Jakob Yoder and Anna Oesch.1


  1. [S423] Yoder Newsletter, online

Christian Rupp1

M, b. 29 October 1672
     Christian Rupp was born on 29 October 1672.1 He was the son of Hans Rupp and Barbara Joder.1

Christina Rupp1

F, b. 20 February 1676
     Christina Rupp was born on 20 February 1676.1 She was the daughter of Hans Rupp and Barbara Joder.1

Anna Rupp1

F, b. 10 December 1679
     Anna Rupp was born on 10 December 1679.1 She was the daughter of Hans Rupp and Barbara Joder.1

Jakob Rupp1

M, b. 24 January 1686
     Jakob Rupp was born on 24 January 1686.1 He was the son of Hans Rupp and Barbara Joder.1

Benedic Rupp1

M, b. 23 September 1688
     Benedic Rupp was born on 23 September 1688.1 He was the son of Hans Rupp and Barbara Joder.1

Hans Risser1

M, b. 2 January 1674
     Hans Risser was born on 2 January 1674.1 He was the son of Ulrich Risser and Annegret Joder.1

Anna Risser1

F, b. 22 April 1676
     Anna Risser was born on 22 April 1676.1 She was the daughter of Ulrich Risser and Annegret Joder.1

Anna Joder1

F, b. 11 February 1672
     Anna Joder was born on 11 February 1672.1 She was the daughter of Caspar Joder and Anni Zaugg (?).1