Anna Loysa Regina
F, b. circa 1670
Anna Loysa Regina was born circa 1670. She married Johann Michael Mueller Sr. between 1692 and 1695.1 Anna Loysa Regina married Johann Jacob Stutzman, son of Hans Jacob Stutzman, on 29 September 1695 at Steinwenden, Germany; alternate date: 29 Nov 1696.1
Child of Anna Loysa Regina and Johann Jacob Stutzman
- John Jacob Stutzman+ b. 1706, d. 3 Feb 1775
- [S458] Charlotte Gamel, Charlotte Gamel - Miller Family Genealogies.
(?) (?)
F, b. circa 1712
(?) (?) was born circa 1712 at USA. She married Peter Jutzy circa 1729 at USA.
Children of (?) (?) and Peter Jutzy
- Jacob Jutzy+ b. c 1730, d. 1799
- Peter Jutzy b. c 1732, d. 1797
Mary (?)1
F, b. circa 1744
Mary (?) From Keim digests at She was born circa 1744 at Berks or Chester, Pennsylvania, USA.1 She married Johann Peter Keim, son of Johannes Peter Keim and Catharine Stump, in 1766 at Berks or Chester, Pennsylvania, USA.1
Children of Mary (?) and Johann Peter Keim
- Nicholas Keim1 b. 2 Feb 1768, d. 18 Oct 1830
- Jacob Keim1 b. 1769, d. 16 Mar 1849
- George Keim1 b. 1771, d. 1849
- John Keim1 b. c 1773
- Samuel Keim1 b. 1775
- Elizabeth Keim1 b. c 1778
- Mary Keim+1 b. 1779, d. 1828
- Peter Keim1 b. 16 Sep 1781, d. 28 Jul 1870
- [S411] Sandra Jean Carmichael-Thoreson, "GEDCOM file soarjean.ged", GEDCOM File.
(?) Anna
F, b. circa 1728
(?) Anna was born circa 1728 at Berne, Switzerland.1,2 She immigrated on 23 September 1740 to Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; From Rotterdam, Netherlands on Ship Friendship.3,4,2 She married John Rickenbach, son of Henry Rickenbach and Barbara Thommen, circa 1754 at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA.5,2
Children of (?) Anna and John Rickenbach
- Barbara Rickenbach+ b. 1755, d. c 1815
- Jacob Rickenbach b. 3 Dec 1757, d. 15 Jan 1831
- Anna Rickenbach b. 14 Jan 1760, d. 19 Apr 1832
- Mary Rickenbach b. 28 Oct 1761, d. Sep 1830
- Magdelena Rickenbach b. c 1763
- Margaret Rickenbach b. 1765, d. 1854
- Catherine Rickenbach b. c 1767
- John Rickenbach b. 3 Apr 1770, d. 20 Jun 1855
- [S416] Hugh Gingerich and Rachel Kreider, Amish and Amish Mennonite Genealogies.
- [S406] Nicole Carr, Family tree file of Nicole Carr.
- [S416] Hugh Gingerich and Rachel Kreider, Amish and Amish Mennonite Genealogies, RB.
- [S412] Various, Ship Passenger Lists, Friendship.
- [S416] Hugh Gingerich and Rachel Kreider, Amish and Amish Mennonite Genealogies, RB3.
Margreth Baur
F, b. circa 1560
Margreth Baur was born circa 1560 at Switzerland.1 She married Martin Widmer circa 1580 at Switzerland.1
Child of Margreth Baur and Martin Widmer
- Barbara Widmer+ b. c 1585, d. 1645
- [S406] Nicole Carr, Family tree file of Nicole Carr.
Anna Beiler
F, b. 1726, d. WFT Est. 1727-1820
Anna Beiler died WFT Est. 1727-1820. She was born in 1726 at Switzerland. She was the daughter of Jakob Beiller , Sr. and Barbara Ferona Yoder.
Barbara Beiler
F, b. 1723, d. 1781
Barbara Beiler was born in 1723 at Switzerland. She was the daughter of Jakob Beiller , Sr. and Barbara Ferona Yoder. Barbara Beiler married Christian Yoder, son of (?) Yoder and Barbara "Widow" (?), in 1743 at Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1 Barbara Beiler died in 1781 at Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.2
Children of Barbara Beiler and Christian Yoder
- Jacob Yoder b. c 1745, d. b Feb 1832
- Christian Yoder b. c 1747, d. 19 Dec 1827
- Elizabeth Yoder b. c 1749, d. 1 Jan 1791
- Barbara Yoder b. c 1751, d. c 1821
- John Yoder b. c 1753, d. WFT Est. 1794-1844
- Veronica Yoder b. c 1755, d. WFT Est. 1800-1850
- Joseph Yoder+ b. c 1757, d. 28 Oct 1833
- Henry Yoder b. c 1759, d. 4 Nov 1821
- Anna Yoder b. c 1761, d. WFT Est. 1806-1856
- David Yoder b. c 1763, d. 1820
- Catherine Yoder b. c 1765, d. 25 Jan 1840
- [S413] Inc. Brøderbund Software, World Family Tree Vol. 13, Ed. 1, Tree #3680.
- [S423] Yoder Newsletter, online
Christopher Beiler
M, b. 1729, d. WFT Est. 1730-1819
Christopher Beiler died WFT Est. 1730-1819. He was born in 1729. He was the son of Jakob Beiller , Sr. and Barbara Ferona Yoder.
Elizabeth Beiler
F, b. 1735, d. WFT Est. 1736-1829
Elizabeth Beiler died WFT Est. 1736-1829. She was born in 1735 at Switzerland. She was the daughter of Jakob Beiller , Sr. and Barbara Ferona Yoder.
Maria Beiler
F, b. 1732, d. WFT Est. 1733-1826
Maria Beiler died WFT Est. 1733-1826. She was born in 1732 at Switzerland. She was the daughter of Jakob Beiller , Sr. and Barbara Ferona Yoder.
Mary Beiler
F, b. 12 October 1769, d. 23 May 1820
Mary Beiler was born on 12 October 1769 at Berks, Pennsylvania, USA. She married Christian Stutzman, son of Christian Stutzman and Barbara Hochstetler, after 1804. Mary Beiler died on 23 May 1820 at Mifflin, Pennsylvania, USA, at age 50.
Children of Mary Beiler and Christian Stutzman
- Anna Stutzman+ b. bt 1803 - 1806, d. 1832
- Mary Stutzman b. bt 1804 - 1810, d. bt 1804 - 1810
Sarah Beiler
F, b. circa 1741, d. after 1771
Sarah Beiler was born circa 1741 at Berks, Pennsylvania, USA. She was the daughter of Jakob Beiller , Sr. and Elizabeth Kallen. Sarah Beiler died after 1771.
Jakob Beiller , Sr.
M, b. 8 August 1687, d. February 1771
Jakob Beiller , Sr. married Elizabeth Kallen BET. 1738 - 1739 at Lancaster, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA. Jakob Beiller , Sr. Identified as Palatine pioneer of Pennsylvaniain Philadelphia courtOctober 8, 1737, as having arrived in USA aboard 'Charming Nancy' ofLondon, Captain Charles Stedman. Accompanying Jakob were Ferona,Barbara, Anna, Christopher, Maria and Elizabeth Biler. Ferona wasbelieved to have been Jakob's first wife.
Possible militia service in 1742 against the Indians.
WILL OF JAKOB BEILLER: Berks County, Pennsylvania, 1771
(English Translation)
I Jakob Beiler dwelling in Bern Township Berks County T day the 19 day ofJuly in the Year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and sixtyfive, in the Presence of these Subscribing Witnesses, make my Testamentand it is my last Will as follows:
l. First, I bequeath to my Widow, which I leave behind me, a Widow Seat,to with The old House and Stable near it and the Garden before the Doorand three Cherry Trees thereby and one Piece of Meadow it is measured offbehind the old Barn, and the Privilege of Water thereto and one Piece ofLand on the lower Side of the Lane where the Hemp Patch lied about anAcre more or less, she may use it as she pleases.
2. Secondly, the Owner or Tenant shall haul out the Dung for her andplow and harrow the Land where she will have it or haul her first andsecond Crop Hay under Cover as also the Firewood but she must make allherself.
3. Thirdly, She has the Right to two Rows of trees in the Orchardrunning upwards in the Orchard, these she may chose yearly and tenBushels of Wheat and five Rye and 20 Bushels of -aw and one half quarterof Flax the Owner or Tenant must give her yearly and the Flax must be theLand where he has Flax.
4. Fourthly, She has the Right to keep one or two Cows in the Fields orin the Meadow, to wit, where the Owner or Tenant has his Cows at Pasture,she has also a Right to keep one Hog. All these the above mentioned Ibequeath to my Widow, which I leave behind, Elizabeth Beiler to enjoy aslong as she remains a Widow bit if she marries again the Widow seat isforfeited and hath no longer to enjoy or to demand of all these abovementioned.
5. Fifthy, I Jakob Beiller give to my Son Jacob Beiler a Right to clear10 acres of my Land and to build a Dwelling House thereon and the Meadowwhere he has begun his Tanyard which he may enjoy with the 10 acres ofLand till the 31 Day of December 1772 and these he must pay 10 ShillingsRent yearly therefor At the End of the Year 1772 the Agreement is expiredand has no further Right to dwell there or to enjoy ought except whatbelongs to the Tanyard he may carry away and the Executors may appraisethe Dwelling House at a reasonable price and pay him for it, but if hewill not leave it at their appraisement he may take it away also.
6. Sixthly, I Jakob Beiler chuse and set my Friends and Neighbors,Christian Joder and Jacob Kaufman as also my Wife Elizabeth Beiler to beExecutors over all my Estate and give them Right and Power over my Realand Personal Estate to receive and to pay, to buy and to sell to makeover or assign under my name be it Deeds and Notes or Bonds.
7. Seventhly, All my Estate which I leave behind shall be sold or struckoff by public vendue when and as the Executors shall find good, exceptone Cow and her Bed she may first take and the Loom and the Gears theretobelonging is bequeathed to my Son David Beiler.
8. Eighthly, I bequeath to my Widow which I leave behind the third partof the personal Estate and then the other two Parts of the PersonalEstate must be reckoned with the Place and buildings and what is fastenedwith Nails and be divided among my 10 children in ten parts withoutrespect to Persons, to one as to the other.
9. Ninthly, The Payments to my Children which I leave behind me shall bemade thus - one year after my Death the Executors shall begin to pay andshall begin to pay my Daughter Barbara the eldest Child and give her 30pounds and from soforth according to Age till the young______(unreadable)personal Estate extends and if the personal estate does not reach so faras to the youngest Child for each to receive thirty pounds then they willwait till the Executors have Money from the Place When each as received30 pounds, namely, Barbara 30 Pounds. Afterwards Anna 30 Pounds. Andafterwards my son Christian Beiler 30 pounds. And afterwards my DaughterMaria 30 Pounds. And afterwards my Daughter Elizabeth 30 Pounds. Andafterwards my Son Jacob Beiler 30 Pounds. And afterwards my Son JohnBeiler 30 Pounds. And afterwards my Daughter Sara 30 Pounds. Andafterwards my Son Joseph Beiler 30 Pounds. And afterwards my Son DavidBeiler 30 Pounds.
10. Tenthly. When then each has received thirty Pounds as is herementioned then the Executors being with the eldest and being guided bythe Payments they shall receive from the Place and pay yearly two orthree Children which they shall find good till all is paid. But as someof the Children have received something and some Nothing, the firstthirty Pounds Payments shall be on their Accounts.
All these above mentioned Articles the Executors shall certainly trulyand well administer and pay to my Heirs and if any Controversy shallhappen between my Heirs the Executors shall between them in my Name.
And if any Difference shall happen between my Executors then shall yechuse two Men on each Part and let them decide between you and thereby yeshall abide.
And these above above mentioned articles we acknowledge and declare IJakob Beiler and Elisabeth Beiler in good understanding for our Testamentand Last Will with our Hands and Seals.
//s// Jakob Beiler (Seal)
//s// Elisabeth Beiler + her mark (Seal)
Georg Wiedmann
Christian Siber X her make
(On the last page of the original German text is the following affidavit)
Register General's office, Reading, Berks County Pennsylvania, the twentyfifth day of March in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred andseventy one Personally appeared George Wiedmann and Christian Siber thewitnesses to the foregoing writing and being German Protestants whodeclare themselves conscientiously scrupulous of taking an Oath do ontheir Solemn Affirmation according to Law respectively Declare and Affirmthat they were present together and saw and hear Jakob Beiler thetestator therein named sign seal pronounce publish and declare the saidaforegoing writing as and for his the said Jakob Beilers Last Will andTestament and that at the time of this Doing thereof he the said JakobBeiler was of Sound Mind, Memory and understanding to the best of theirknowledge and as they verily believe and furhter that the name GeorgWiedmann and the Mark of Christian Siber are of the handwritingrespectively of the said Affirmants by them thereto subscribed asWitnesses set in the Presence of each other and in Presence and withRequest of the said Jakob Beiler the Testator.
Coram one?
//s// James Read
provd March 25, 1771. He Death could have been in Bern Township, Berks Co., PA
It has been known for several years that Jakob Beyeler emigrated from Guggisburg, Bern Canton, Switzerland, about 1735. He and his family took a ship from Totterdam, Holland for passage to Pennsylvania. Their ship was the "Charming Nancy," commanded by Charles Stedman.
After departing Rotterdam, they stopped briefly at Plymouth, England, and arrived in Philadelphia on the 8th of October, 1737. That same day Jakob Beyeler swore allegiance to king George II of Great Britain and Ireland, becoming a subject of the crown of England. Now, an English subject, the spelling of his name was changed from Beyeler, the Swiss spelling, to Beiler or Byler, depending upon who was writing the name. We will use the spelling taken by Jacob Byler, the son of the immigrant.
Shortly after arriving in Philadelphia, Jakob Beyeler's first wife, Barbara Fredona Yoder, died leaving Jakob with five small children for whom he had to care. So, it is thought that either before he left Philadelphia, or shortly after arriving in Oley Township, Lancaster County (later called Berks County), he married Elizabeth Kallen, the daughter of Hans and Ann Kallen, natives of Schwarden, Frutigen Parish, Bern, Switzerland.
By his second wife, Elizabeth Kallen, Jakob became the father of five more children among whom was Jacob Byler, father of Abraham, and grandfather of the Bylers who moved to Izard County, Arkansas. He was born on 8 August 1687 at Guggisburg, Berne, Switzerland. He was the son of Christian Beyeler. Jakob Beiller , Sr. married Barbara Ferona Yoder before 1723 at Switzerland. Jakob Beiller , Sr. died in February 1771 at Oley, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA, at age 83.
Possible militia service in 1742 against the Indians.
WILL OF JAKOB BEILLER: Berks County, Pennsylvania, 1771
(English Translation)
I Jakob Beiler dwelling in Bern Township Berks County T day the 19 day ofJuly in the Year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and sixtyfive, in the Presence of these Subscribing Witnesses, make my Testamentand it is my last Will as follows:
l. First, I bequeath to my Widow, which I leave behind me, a Widow Seat,to with The old House and Stable near it and the Garden before the Doorand three Cherry Trees thereby and one Piece of Meadow it is measured offbehind the old Barn, and the Privilege of Water thereto and one Piece ofLand on the lower Side of the Lane where the Hemp Patch lied about anAcre more or less, she may use it as she pleases.
2. Secondly, the Owner or Tenant shall haul out the Dung for her andplow and harrow the Land where she will have it or haul her first andsecond Crop Hay under Cover as also the Firewood but she must make allherself.
3. Thirdly, She has the Right to two Rows of trees in the Orchardrunning upwards in the Orchard, these she may chose yearly and tenBushels of Wheat and five Rye and 20 Bushels of -aw and one half quarterof Flax the Owner or Tenant must give her yearly and the Flax must be theLand where he has Flax.
4. Fourthly, She has the Right to keep one or two Cows in the Fields orin the Meadow, to wit, where the Owner or Tenant has his Cows at Pasture,she has also a Right to keep one Hog. All these the above mentioned Ibequeath to my Widow, which I leave behind, Elizabeth Beiler to enjoy aslong as she remains a Widow bit if she marries again the Widow seat isforfeited and hath no longer to enjoy or to demand of all these abovementioned.
5. Fifthy, I Jakob Beiller give to my Son Jacob Beiler a Right to clear10 acres of my Land and to build a Dwelling House thereon and the Meadowwhere he has begun his Tanyard which he may enjoy with the 10 acres ofLand till the 31 Day of December 1772 and these he must pay 10 ShillingsRent yearly therefor At the End of the Year 1772 the Agreement is expiredand has no further Right to dwell there or to enjoy ought except whatbelongs to the Tanyard he may carry away and the Executors may appraisethe Dwelling House at a reasonable price and pay him for it, but if hewill not leave it at their appraisement he may take it away also.
6. Sixthly, I Jakob Beiler chuse and set my Friends and Neighbors,Christian Joder and Jacob Kaufman as also my Wife Elizabeth Beiler to beExecutors over all my Estate and give them Right and Power over my Realand Personal Estate to receive and to pay, to buy and to sell to makeover or assign under my name be it Deeds and Notes or Bonds.
7. Seventhly, All my Estate which I leave behind shall be sold or struckoff by public vendue when and as the Executors shall find good, exceptone Cow and her Bed she may first take and the Loom and the Gears theretobelonging is bequeathed to my Son David Beiler.
8. Eighthly, I bequeath to my Widow which I leave behind the third partof the personal Estate and then the other two Parts of the PersonalEstate must be reckoned with the Place and buildings and what is fastenedwith Nails and be divided among my 10 children in ten parts withoutrespect to Persons, to one as to the other.
9. Ninthly, The Payments to my Children which I leave behind me shall bemade thus - one year after my Death the Executors shall begin to pay andshall begin to pay my Daughter Barbara the eldest Child and give her 30pounds and from soforth according to Age till the young______(unreadable)personal Estate extends and if the personal estate does not reach so faras to the youngest Child for each to receive thirty pounds then they willwait till the Executors have Money from the Place When each as received30 pounds, namely, Barbara 30 Pounds. Afterwards Anna 30 Pounds. Andafterwards my son Christian Beiler 30 pounds. And afterwards my DaughterMaria 30 Pounds. And afterwards my Daughter Elizabeth 30 Pounds. Andafterwards my Son Jacob Beiler 30 Pounds. And afterwards my Son JohnBeiler 30 Pounds. And afterwards my Daughter Sara 30 Pounds. Andafterwards my Son Joseph Beiler 30 Pounds. And afterwards my Son DavidBeiler 30 Pounds.
10. Tenthly. When then each has received thirty Pounds as is herementioned then the Executors being with the eldest and being guided bythe Payments they shall receive from the Place and pay yearly two orthree Children which they shall find good till all is paid. But as someof the Children have received something and some Nothing, the firstthirty Pounds Payments shall be on their Accounts.
All these above mentioned Articles the Executors shall certainly trulyand well administer and pay to my Heirs and if any Controversy shallhappen between my Heirs the Executors shall between them in my Name.
And if any Difference shall happen between my Executors then shall yechuse two Men on each Part and let them decide between you and thereby yeshall abide.
And these above above mentioned articles we acknowledge and declare IJakob Beiler and Elisabeth Beiler in good understanding for our Testamentand Last Will with our Hands and Seals.
//s// Jakob Beiler (Seal)
//s// Elisabeth Beiler + her mark (Seal)
Georg Wiedmann
Christian Siber X her make
(On the last page of the original German text is the following affidavit)
Register General's office, Reading, Berks County Pennsylvania, the twentyfifth day of March in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred andseventy one Personally appeared George Wiedmann and Christian Siber thewitnesses to the foregoing writing and being German Protestants whodeclare themselves conscientiously scrupulous of taking an Oath do ontheir Solemn Affirmation according to Law respectively Declare and Affirmthat they were present together and saw and hear Jakob Beiler thetestator therein named sign seal pronounce publish and declare the saidaforegoing writing as and for his the said Jakob Beilers Last Will andTestament and that at the time of this Doing thereof he the said JakobBeiler was of Sound Mind, Memory and understanding to the best of theirknowledge and as they verily believe and furhter that the name GeorgWiedmann and the Mark of Christian Siber are of the handwritingrespectively of the said Affirmants by them thereto subscribed asWitnesses set in the Presence of each other and in Presence and withRequest of the said Jakob Beiler the Testator.
Coram one?
//s// James Read
provd March 25, 1771. He Death could have been in Bern Township, Berks Co., PA
It has been known for several years that Jakob Beyeler emigrated from Guggisburg, Bern Canton, Switzerland, about 1735. He and his family took a ship from Totterdam, Holland for passage to Pennsylvania. Their ship was the "Charming Nancy," commanded by Charles Stedman.
After departing Rotterdam, they stopped briefly at Plymouth, England, and arrived in Philadelphia on the 8th of October, 1737. That same day Jakob Beyeler swore allegiance to king George II of Great Britain and Ireland, becoming a subject of the crown of England. Now, an English subject, the spelling of his name was changed from Beyeler, the Swiss spelling, to Beiler or Byler, depending upon who was writing the name. We will use the spelling taken by Jacob Byler, the son of the immigrant.
Shortly after arriving in Philadelphia, Jakob Beyeler's first wife, Barbara Fredona Yoder, died leaving Jakob with five small children for whom he had to care. So, it is thought that either before he left Philadelphia, or shortly after arriving in Oley Township, Lancaster County (later called Berks County), he married Elizabeth Kallen, the daughter of Hans and Ann Kallen, natives of Schwarden, Frutigen Parish, Bern, Switzerland.
By his second wife, Elizabeth Kallen, Jakob became the father of five more children among whom was Jacob Byler, father of Abraham, and grandfather of the Bylers who moved to Izard County, Arkansas. He was born on 8 August 1687 at Guggisburg, Berne, Switzerland. He was the son of Christian Beyeler. Jakob Beiller , Sr. married Barbara Ferona Yoder before 1723 at Switzerland. Jakob Beiller , Sr. died in February 1771 at Oley, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA, at age 83.
Children of Jakob Beiller , Sr. and Barbara Ferona Yoder
- Barbara Beiler+ b. 1723, d. 1781
- Anna Beiler b. 1726, d. WFT Est. 1727-1820
- Christopher Beiler b. 1729, d. WFT Est. 1730-1819
- Maria Beiler b. 1732, d. WFT Est. 1733-1826
- Elizabeth Beiler b. 1735, d. WFT Est. 1736-1829
- Jacob Byler II b. bt 1739 - 1742, d. 15 May 1804
Children of Jakob Beiller , Sr. and Elizabeth Kallen
- Johann C. Biler b. c 1740, d. 30 Apr 1822
- Sarah Beiler b. c 1741, d. a 1771
- Joseph Byler b. c 1742, d. 1825
- David Boiler b. 1743, d. 13 Jan 1824
Christian Beyeler
M, b. WFT Est. 1636-1665, d. WFT Est. 1690-1750
Christian Beyeler was born WFT Est. 1636-1665. He was the son of Heini Beyeler. Christian Beyeler married an unknown person WFT Est. 1660-1707. He died WFT Est. 1690-1750.
Child of Christian Beyeler
- Jakob Beiller , Sr.+ b. 8 Aug 1687, d. Feb 1771
Heini Beyeler
M, b. WFT Est. 1596-1639, d. WFT Est. 1636-1720
Heini Beyeler was born WFT Est. 1596-1639. He married an unknown person WFT Est. 1620-1677. He died WFT Est. 1636-1720.
Child of Heini Beyeler
- Christian Beyeler+ b. WFT Est. 1636-1665, d. WFT Est. 1690-1750
Johann C. Biler
M, b. circa 1740, d. 30 April 1822
Johann C. Biler married an unknown person WFT Est. 1757-1790. He was born circa 1740 at Berks, Pennsylvania, USA. He was the son of Jakob Beiller , Sr. and Elizabeth Kallen. Johann C. Biler died on 30 April 1822 at Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.
David Boiler
M, b. 1743, d. 13 January 1824
David Boiler married an unknown person WFT Est. 1760-1793. He married an unknown person WFT Est. 1760-1793. He was born in 1743 at Berks, Pennsylvania, USA. He was the son of Jakob Beiller , Sr. and Elizabeth Kallen. David Boiler died on 13 January 1824 at Pike, Pike, Ohio, USA.
Maria Elizabeth Boller(in)1
F, b. 1713, d. 2 June 1772
Maria Elizabeth Boller(in) was buried at Oley, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1 She From Keim and Allied Families: (from the Keim mailing list 11 Feb2001, Jeff Reimert,
'Zum andenken Von Maria Elizabeth (poss the second wife of JohannesKeim -- there are several Keim graves) ist gestorben 2 June 1772, ihrealter 59 jahre _______ ein.' This wouls correspond with the birth fo1713 and her marriage at 18 to Johannes. This note comes from a drivingtrip through Oley TWP in the Fall of 1894 nd was deciphered from aweathered sandsotne gravestone in a family burial plot at Gheer Farm,Oley Line.
Apparently had several still-borns until 1746.1 She was born in 1713.1 She married Johannes Keim, son of Johann Keim and Maria Elizabeth Schneider, on 24 March 1730/31 at Oley Twp., Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1 Maria Elizabeth Boller(in) died on 2 June 1772 at Oley, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1
'Zum andenken Von Maria Elizabeth (poss the second wife of JohannesKeim -- there are several Keim graves) ist gestorben 2 June 1772, ihrealter 59 jahre _______ ein.' This wouls correspond with the birth fo1713 and her marriage at 18 to Johannes. This note comes from a drivingtrip through Oley TWP in the Fall of 1894 nd was deciphered from aweathered sandsotne gravestone in a family burial plot at Gheer Farm,Oley Line.
Apparently had several still-borns until 1746.1 She was born in 1713.1 She married Johannes Keim, son of Johann Keim and Maria Elizabeth Schneider, on 24 March 1730/31 at Oley Twp., Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1 Maria Elizabeth Boller(in) died on 2 June 1772 at Oley, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1
Children of Maria Elizabeth Boller(in) and Johannes Keim
- Heinrich 'Henry' Keim1 b. 27 Apr 1732, d. b Jul 1802
- George Keim1 b. Aug 1733, d. bt 12 May 1812 - 7 Aug 1813
- Maria Keim1 b. Nov 1734, d. b 12 Mar 1803
- Conrad Keim1 b. 3 Dec 1734, d. c 1776
- Barbara Keim1 b. Feb 1735/36, d. c 1795
- Susanna(h) Keim1 b. 25 Dec 1739, d. 12 May 1809
- [S411] Sandra Jean Carmichael-Thoreson, "GEDCOM file soarjean.ged", GEDCOM File.
Jacob Byler II
M, b. between 1739 and 1742, d. 15 May 1804
Jacob Byler II married an unknown person WFT Est. 1754-1786. He Jacob Beiler, II, was a gunpowder manufacturer. He died as a result of a mill explosion in North Carolina.
Facts about this person:
Burlesons Cemetery, Bernardsville, Buncombe County, North Carolina. He was born between 1739 and 1742 at Lancaster, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA. He was the son of Jakob Beiller , Sr. and Barbara Ferona Yoder. Jacob Byler II married an unknown person circa 1765 at Berks, Pennsylvania, USA. He died on 15 May 1804 at Buncombe, North Carolina, USA.
Facts about this person:
Burlesons Cemetery, Bernardsville, Buncombe County, North Carolina. He was born between 1739 and 1742 at Lancaster, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA. He was the son of Jakob Beiller , Sr. and Barbara Ferona Yoder. Jacob Byler II married an unknown person circa 1765 at Berks, Pennsylvania, USA. He died on 15 May 1804 at Buncombe, North Carolina, USA.
Joseph Byler
M, b. circa 1742, d. 1825
Joseph Byler was born circa 1742 at Berks, Pennsylvania, USA. He was the son of Jakob Beiller , Sr. and Elizabeth Kallen. Joseph Byler died in 1825.
(?) De Hericourt
(?) De Hericourt married Gottschalk Keim.
Child of (?) De Hericourt and Gottschalk Keim
- Ludwig Hericourt Keim+ b. 1598, d. 1664
Katarina 'Bertha' De Turck1
F, b. 1688, d. 1731
Katarina 'Bertha' De Turck was also known as DeTurk. She There is no original documentation, but many sources list the first wife of Johannes Keim as the sister of Isaac DeTurk. Most sources name her as Katarina; one lists her as Bertha. Two non-primary sources are quoted in "The
Family of Ada Rose Comer," by Ida DeMay Wilson, 1985, St. Helena,CA, as saying that Johannes' first wife was Katarina DeTurck. "American Ancestry:
Giving the Name and Descent, in the Male line, of the Americans Whose Ancestors settled in the United States Previous to the Declaration of Independence," Vol. VII, published 1893, page 222, claims Johannes Keim's first wife was Bertha deTurk, sister of Isaac deTurk.
!It should be noted that the church records found in Europe for Isaac DeTurk's siblings show neither a Katarina nor a Bertha. However, Johannes' first wife,
regardless of who she was, was likely born about five years after those church records end.
!Because of secondary sources, and because it seems to fit, I've assumed Johannes' first wife was a sibling of Isaac deTurk.
[ccc.ftw] Kelly Crowe. She was born in 1688 at Landau, Speier, Palatinate, Germany.1 She was the daughter of Johannes DeTurk and Hester Kip. Katarina 'Bertha' De Turck married Johannes Keim, son of Johann Keim and Maria Elizabeth Schneider, on 15 September 1706 at near Speier, Germany.1 Katarina 'Bertha' De Turck died in 1731 at Oley Valley, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1
Family of Ada Rose Comer," by Ida DeMay Wilson, 1985, St. Helena,CA, as saying that Johannes' first wife was Katarina DeTurck. "American Ancestry:
Giving the Name and Descent, in the Male line, of the Americans Whose Ancestors settled in the United States Previous to the Declaration of Independence," Vol. VII, published 1893, page 222, claims Johannes Keim's first wife was Bertha deTurk, sister of Isaac deTurk.
!It should be noted that the church records found in Europe for Isaac DeTurk's siblings show neither a Katarina nor a Bertha. However, Johannes' first wife,
regardless of who she was, was likely born about five years after those church records end.
!Because of secondary sources, and because it seems to fit, I've assumed Johannes' first wife was a sibling of Isaac deTurk.
[ccc.ftw] Kelly Crowe. She was born in 1688 at Landau, Speier, Palatinate, Germany.1 She was the daughter of Johannes DeTurk and Hester Kip. Katarina 'Bertha' De Turck married Johannes Keim, son of Johann Keim and Maria Elizabeth Schneider, on 15 September 1706 at near Speier, Germany.1 Katarina 'Bertha' De Turck died in 1731 at Oley Valley, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1
Children of Katarina 'Bertha' De Turck and Johannes Keim
- Katarina Keim1 b. 29 Sep 1708, d. 8 May 1798
- Johannes Peter Keim+1 b. 4 Mar 1709/10, d. 10 Oct 1782
- Stophel (Stephen) Keim1 b. 28 Mar 1717
- Hans Nickel Keim1 b. 2 Apr 1719, d. 3 Aug 1802
- Elizabeth Keim1 b. Feb 1722/23, d. 1781
- Jacob Keim1 b. 24 Oct 1724, d. 18 Oct 1799
- [S411] Sandra Jean Carmichael-Thoreson, "GEDCOM file soarjean.ged", GEDCOM File.
Geetruit deBrier
F, b. WFT Est. 1605-1629, d. WFT Est. 1653-1717
Geetruit deBrier was born WFT Est. 1605-1629. She married Johannes DeTurk, son of Jacob DeTurk and Jacquemine Rickenbosche, WFT Est. 1632-1667. Geetruit deBrier died WFT Est. 1653-1717.
Children of Geetruit deBrier and Johannes DeTurk
- Susanna DeTurk b. 28 Aug 1644, d. WFT Est. 1645-1738
- Janneken DeTurk b. 23 Sep 1647, d. WFT Est. 1648-1741
- Johannes DeTurk+ b. 30 Jul 1650, d. WFT Est. 1690-1741
Louison deFoix
F, b. circa 1517, d. 1554
Louison deFoix married Reginald LeTurk WFT Est. 1504-1551. Louison deFoix was born circa 1517. She died in 1554.
Children of Louison deFoix and Reginald LeTurk
- Victor LeTurk b. WFT Est. 1506-1553, d. WFT Est. 1526-1635
- Hugo LeTurk+ b. c 1540, d. 1601
Marget dePrivas
F, b. WFT Est. 1525-1564, d. WFT Est. 1558-1648
Marget dePrivas was born WFT Est. 1525-1564. She married Hugo LeTurk, son of Reginald LeTurk and Louison deFoix, WFT Est. 1543-1591. Marget dePrivas died WFT Est. 1558-1648.
Children of Marget dePrivas and Hugo LeTurk
- Harmen DeTurk b. WFT Est. 1546-1595, d. WFT Est. 1563-1673
- Robert DeTurk b. WFT Est. 1546-1595, d. WFT Est. 1563-1673
- Sancred DeTurk b. WFT Est. 1546-1595, d. WFT Est. 1563-1673
- Michael DeTurk+ b. c 1565
Dina DeTurk
F, b. 5 December 1620, d. WFT Est. 1626-1714
Dina DeTurk died WFT Est. 1626-1714. She was born on 5 December 1620. She was the daughter of Jacob DeTurk and Jacquemine Rickenbosche.
Elizabeth DeTurk
F, b. 10 November 1616, d. WFT Est. 1631-1710
Elizabeth DeTurk died WFT Est. 1631-1710. She was born on 10 November 1616. She was the daughter of Jacob DeTurk and Jacquemine Rickenbosche.
Esther Cornelia DeTurk
F, b. 17 August 1687, d. WFT Est. 1688-1781
Esther Cornelia DeTurk died WFT Est. 1688-1781. She was born on 17 August 1687. She was the daughter of Johannes DeTurk and Hester Kip.
Harmen DeTurk
M, b. WFT Est. 1546-1595, d. WFT Est. 1563-1673
Harmen DeTurk was born WFT Est. 1546-1595. He was the son of Hugo LeTurk and Marget dePrivas. Harmen DeTurk died WFT Est. 1563-1673.