George Keim1
M, b. 3 December 1753, d. 3 September 1836
George Keim was born on 3 December 1753 at Harmonyville, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USA.1 He was the son of Johannes Peter Keim and Catharine Stump.1 George Keim married an unknown person on 11 April 1774 at Springfield, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USA.1 He died on 3 September 1836 at USA at age 82.1
- [S411] Sandra Jean Carmichael-Thoreson, "GEDCOM file soarjean.ged", GEDCOM File.
George Keim1
M, b. August 1733, d. between 12 May 1812 and 7 August 1813
George Keim From Keim digests at from 11 Feb 2001.1 He married an unknown person.1 He married an unknown person.1 He was born in August 1733 at Oley Valley, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1 He was the son of Johannes Keim and Maria Elizabeth Boller(in).1 George Keim died between 12 May 1812 and 7 August 1813.1
- [S411] Sandra Jean Carmichael-Thoreson, "GEDCOM file soarjean.ged", GEDCOM File.
Gottschalk Keim
M, d. 1664
Gottschalk Keim married (?) De Hericourt. Gottschalk Keim died in 1664 at Germany.
Child of Gottschalk Keim and (?) De Hericourt
- Ludwig Hericourt Keim+ b. 1598, d. 1664
Hans George Keim1
M, b. circa 1736
Hans George Keim was born circa 1736 at Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1 He was the son of Johannes Peter Keim and Catharine Stump.1
- [S411] Sandra Jean Carmichael-Thoreson, "GEDCOM file soarjean.ged", GEDCOM File.
Hans Nickel Keim1
M, b. 2 April 1719, d. 3 August 1802
Hans Nickel Keim was also known as John Nickel Keim.1 He Living in Reading, Berks Co., PA in Nov. 1755 (Michael Anthony).1 He was born on 2 April 1719 at Oley, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1 He was the son of Johannes Keim and Katarina 'Bertha' De Turck.1 Hans Nickel Keim married an unknown person on 24 March 1745/46 at Oley, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1 He died on 3 August 1802 at Reading, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA, at age 83.1
- [S411] Sandra Jean Carmichael-Thoreson, "GEDCOM file soarjean.ged", GEDCOM File.
Heinrich 'Henry' Keim1
M, b. 27 April 1732, d. before July 1802
Heinrich 'Henry' Keim resided in 1763 In Frederick Co., MD. Abt 1777 lived in LoudounCo., VA. In 1789 he resided in Rockbridge co., VA and by 1791 had movedto Bath Co., VA (from Michael Anthony)
Had a will written on 17 Dec. 1799, probated after his death in July1802 in Bath Co., VA.
Subj: Re: KIME Wills
Date: 3/9/01 8:06:38 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Soarjean
Dear Jean:
I could not reach the website either. Pershaps it was only up for ashort time.
I will type them here from my copies and hope I don't make any typos.
Will of Heinrich-Henry Kime:
In the Name of God, Amen. I Henry Kime of the county of Bath and stateof Virginia being now old, and knowing well that it's ordained once forall men to die and being in sound mind and memory do make, constitute,and ordain this to be my last will and testament, that is to say I willand desire that in the first place all my just debts should be paid outof my personal estate and that my body be buried in a decent andChristian like manner at the discretion of my executors hereafter named.
I will that my wife Catharine Kime have the use of the plantation duringher natural life with all my stock of cattle, and horses, hogs, and sheepand every other species of stock that may belong to me at the time of mydeath. And also all my household furniture of every description that Imay have at the time of my death to her and her use during her life andat her death the said plantation whereon I now live I will that my sonValentine Kime shall have it for his own and to him that all the stockand household furniture before mentioned be equally divided between mysaid son Valentine Kime and my son Abraham Kime and as the land, abovementioned which I give to my son Valentine is of more value than thatwhich I will unto my son Abraham, I will, that my son Valentine is topay unto my son Abraham thirty pounds out of the land above mentioned atthe rate of ten pounds a year, that is to say ten pounds when Abraham isof age and ten pounds a year for two years afterwards and I also willunto my son Abraham the land whereon Stephen Ryerson formerly livedcontaining fifty four acres to him and his heirs and assigns forever.
I also will that each of my other children to wit, Conrad Kime, ChristinaMartingood, Catharine Deale, Lisay Ryerson, Jacob Kime, and Molly Kime mychildren to each the sum of five shillings and no more of my estate. AndI will that my son Abraham should live with my wife, Catharine Kime,until he arrives of age. And that she is to furnish him with clothing,lodging. I will that in case my wife should live to be old and helplessthat my son Valentine for and in consideration of the land aforesaid isto keep and take care of her in old age and I do hereby appoint my saidwife, Catharine Kime, and my son Valentine Kime executors of this my lastwill and testament. In witness I have hereunto set my hand and seal this17th day of December in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninetynine.
Henry Kime
Witness present
(signed in German)
Charles Cameron
Thomas L. Lewis
Samuel Gay
According to Virginia Kimes Pierce ( on15 Jan1999 (
We do not have documented evidence that our Heinrich Keim is the sonof Johannes Keim and Maria Elizabeth Boller(in). There is a marriagerecord for Heinrich Keim and Catharina Reber, 25 October 1767, in Bethel,Berks Co., PA, but our Heinrich has three children born before thisdate.
Our Heinrich and Catharina travelled form Frederick Co., Maryland in1763, to Loudoun Co., VA in 1777. They lived in a place (not town)cxalled Morgantown on the border of Fauquier Co., VA. From there theymoved to Rockbridge Co., VA in 1789 and to Bath Co., VA in 1791.Heinrich died in Bath Co., VA in 1802, and his wife Cathatina died therin 1805. He left a will designating Valentine Kime, Sr. to recieve thebulk of his estate, stipulating that he take care of his mother,Catharina until he death.
Their son Valentine Kime, Sr., and his family moved from Bath Co.,VA Franklin Co., VA early in 1811. He is not in the 1810 census there.Valentine Kimes, Jr. was born in Franklin Co., VA 17 April 1811. When hewas six months old the family moved to Washington Co., VA. By 1820 theywere in Overton, TN. Valentine Kime, Sr., and hsi family moved to MauryCo., MO by 1831 where they lived in the 'Old Virginia Settlement' onClarke's Creek. he died there in 1840 and is buried in Patterson, WayneCo., MO. His wife, Mary Elizabeth Custer died in Wayne Co. on 11 Jan1856.1 He married an unknown person.1 He was born on 27 April 1732 at Oley, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1 He was the son of Johannes Keim and Maria Elizabeth Boller(in).1 Heinrich 'Henry' Keim married an unknown person circa 1762 at Maryland, USA.1 He married an unknown person on 25 October 1767 at Bethel, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1 He died before July 1802 at Bath, Virginia, USA.1
Had a will written on 17 Dec. 1799, probated after his death in July1802 in Bath Co., VA.
Subj: Re: KIME Wills
Date: 3/9/01 8:06:38 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Soarjean
Dear Jean:
I could not reach the website either. Pershaps it was only up for ashort time.
I will type them here from my copies and hope I don't make any typos.
Will of Heinrich-Henry Kime:
In the Name of God, Amen. I Henry Kime of the county of Bath and stateof Virginia being now old, and knowing well that it's ordained once forall men to die and being in sound mind and memory do make, constitute,and ordain this to be my last will and testament, that is to say I willand desire that in the first place all my just debts should be paid outof my personal estate and that my body be buried in a decent andChristian like manner at the discretion of my executors hereafter named.
I will that my wife Catharine Kime have the use of the plantation duringher natural life with all my stock of cattle, and horses, hogs, and sheepand every other species of stock that may belong to me at the time of mydeath. And also all my household furniture of every description that Imay have at the time of my death to her and her use during her life andat her death the said plantation whereon I now live I will that my sonValentine Kime shall have it for his own and to him that all the stockand household furniture before mentioned be equally divided between mysaid son Valentine Kime and my son Abraham Kime and as the land, abovementioned which I give to my son Valentine is of more value than thatwhich I will unto my son Abraham, I will, that my son Valentine is topay unto my son Abraham thirty pounds out of the land above mentioned atthe rate of ten pounds a year, that is to say ten pounds when Abraham isof age and ten pounds a year for two years afterwards and I also willunto my son Abraham the land whereon Stephen Ryerson formerly livedcontaining fifty four acres to him and his heirs and assigns forever.
I also will that each of my other children to wit, Conrad Kime, ChristinaMartingood, Catharine Deale, Lisay Ryerson, Jacob Kime, and Molly Kime mychildren to each the sum of five shillings and no more of my estate. AndI will that my son Abraham should live with my wife, Catharine Kime,until he arrives of age. And that she is to furnish him with clothing,lodging. I will that in case my wife should live to be old and helplessthat my son Valentine for and in consideration of the land aforesaid isto keep and take care of her in old age and I do hereby appoint my saidwife, Catharine Kime, and my son Valentine Kime executors of this my lastwill and testament. In witness I have hereunto set my hand and seal this17th day of December in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninetynine.
Henry Kime
Witness present
(signed in German)
Charles Cameron
Thomas L. Lewis
Samuel Gay
According to Virginia Kimes Pierce ( on15 Jan1999 (
We do not have documented evidence that our Heinrich Keim is the sonof Johannes Keim and Maria Elizabeth Boller(in). There is a marriagerecord for Heinrich Keim and Catharina Reber, 25 October 1767, in Bethel,Berks Co., PA, but our Heinrich has three children born before thisdate.
Our Heinrich and Catharina travelled form Frederick Co., Maryland in1763, to Loudoun Co., VA in 1777. They lived in a place (not town)cxalled Morgantown on the border of Fauquier Co., VA. From there theymoved to Rockbridge Co., VA in 1789 and to Bath Co., VA in 1791.Heinrich died in Bath Co., VA in 1802, and his wife Cathatina died therin 1805. He left a will designating Valentine Kime, Sr. to recieve thebulk of his estate, stipulating that he take care of his mother,Catharina until he death.
Their son Valentine Kime, Sr., and his family moved from Bath Co.,VA Franklin Co., VA early in 1811. He is not in the 1810 census there.Valentine Kimes, Jr. was born in Franklin Co., VA 17 April 1811. When hewas six months old the family moved to Washington Co., VA. By 1820 theywere in Overton, TN. Valentine Kime, Sr., and hsi family moved to MauryCo., MO by 1831 where they lived in the 'Old Virginia Settlement' onClarke's Creek. he died there in 1840 and is buried in Patterson, WayneCo., MO. His wife, Mary Elizabeth Custer died in Wayne Co. on 11 Jan1856.1 He married an unknown person.1 He was born on 27 April 1732 at Oley, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1 He was the son of Johannes Keim and Maria Elizabeth Boller(in).1 Heinrich 'Henry' Keim married an unknown person circa 1762 at Maryland, USA.1 He married an unknown person on 25 October 1767 at Bethel, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1 He died before July 1802 at Bath, Virginia, USA.1
- [S411] Sandra Jean Carmichael-Thoreson, "GEDCOM file soarjean.ged", GEDCOM File.
Jacob Keim1
M, b. 24 October 1724, d. 18 October 1799
Jacob Keim was born on 24 October 1724 at Oley, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1 He was the son of Johannes Keim and Katarina 'Bertha' De Turck.1 Jacob Keim married an unknown person in October 1746 at USA.1 He died on 18 October 1799 at Berks, Pennsylvania, USA, at age 74.1
- [S411] Sandra Jean Carmichael-Thoreson, "GEDCOM file soarjean.ged", GEDCOM File.
Jacob Keim1
M, b. 1769, d. 16 March 1849
Jacob Keim was born in 1769 at Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1 He was the son of Johann Peter Keim and Mary (?).1 Jacob Keim married an unknown person in 1795 at Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1 He died on 16 March 1849 at Carroll, Maryland, USA.1
- [S411] Sandra Jean Carmichael-Thoreson, "GEDCOM file soarjean.ged", GEDCOM File.
Johann Keim1
M, b. 1647
Johann Keim Michael Anthony says:
The Keims family is originally from an area of Germany bordering theAlsace and were subjected to many wars, the Thirty Years War nearlydestroyed the family. The family had primarily engineers and physicians.1 He married Maria Elizabeth Schneider. Johann Keim was born in 1647 at Speyer or Speier, Palatinate, Germany.1 He was the son of George Keim and Bertha DeTurk.1
The Keims family is originally from an area of Germany bordering theAlsace and were subjected to many wars, the Thirty Years War nearlydestroyed the family. The family had primarily engineers and physicians.1 He married Maria Elizabeth Schneider. Johann Keim was born in 1647 at Speyer or Speier, Palatinate, Germany.1 He was the son of George Keim and Bertha DeTurk.1
Child of Johann Keim and Maria Elizabeth Schneider
- Johannes Keim+1 b. c 1675, d. 1753
- [S411] Sandra Jean Carmichael-Thoreson, "GEDCOM file soarjean.ged", GEDCOM File.
Johann Peter Keim1
M, b. circa 1741, d. circa April 1786
Johann Peter Keim From Keim digests at He was born circa 1741 at Oley, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1 He was the son of Johannes Peter Keim and Catharine Stump.1 Johann Peter Keim married Mary (?) in 1766 at Berks or Chester, Pennsylvania, USA.1 Johann Peter Keim died circa April 1786 at Reading, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1
Children of Johann Peter Keim and Mary (?)
- Nicholas Keim1 b. 2 Feb 1768, d. 18 Oct 1830
- Jacob Keim1 b. 1769, d. 16 Mar 1849
- George Keim1 b. 1771, d. 1849
- John Keim1 b. c 1773
- Samuel Keim1 b. 1775
- Elizabeth Keim1 b. c 1778
- Mary Keim+1 b. 1779, d. 1828
- Peter Keim1 b. 16 Sep 1781, d. 28 Jul 1870
- [S411] Sandra Jean Carmichael-Thoreson, "GEDCOM file soarjean.ged", GEDCOM File.
Johannes Keim1
M, b. circa 1732, d. 1786
Johannes Keim married an unknown person.1 He was born circa 1732 at Philadelphia (later Berks) Co., Pennsylvania, USA.1 He was the son of Johannes Peter Keim and Catharine Stump.1 Johannes Keim died in 1786 at Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1
- [S411] Sandra Jean Carmichael-Thoreson, "GEDCOM file soarjean.ged", GEDCOM File.
Johannes Keim1
M, b. circa 1675, d. 1753
Johannes Keim Found in 'History of Virginia', pg. 40, Vol VI, copyright 1924,published by the American Historical Society. Under an entry for RobertWilberforce Kime:
Robert was a G-G-G-G-grandson of Johannes Keim of the Palatinate,Circle of the Rhine, Germany, who left his homeland in 1698 due to religious unrest. He secured a grant from William Penn for land at Olney, PA, then returned home to marry, returning to settle in 1708. The old stone residence was still standing in Olney in 1924.
Mr. Robt. W. Kime is related to:
Gen. Randolph DeBenville Keim of Philadelphia and Gen. Ernest Keimwho fought in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, and to Eduard Von Keim, a Field Marshal of Austria.
The lineage is traced as: Johannes - Johannes -- Phillip -Christian - Henry - William Miles Kime (and Rebecca Hanner) to Robert Wilberforce Kimes who was an attorney.
Robert Wilberforce married Florence Jeeter 19 November 1891, a direct descendant of William Penn.
X-Message: #6
Date: Tue, 03 Jul 2001 19:07:15 -0500
From: Cindy
Message-ID: <>
Subject: [KEIM] Re: Johannes's grave site
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Russell Kime sent the following info several
weeks ago. With his permission, I'm forwarding this to the KEIM list....
thought some of you might find this quite interesting!
Cindy Kimes
In the book 'Oley Valley Heritage' by Phillip Pendleton I found 3 photos
of the Schneider Cemetery (pp 109-111) in which my brother Bill located
the grave of Johannes Keim last year. Of particular interest to me is
one which shows the gravestones of Johannes Schneider (1687-1743) and
his wife Katarina (1688-1774) who had to be the parents of John Henry
Schneider, husband of Katarina Keim who was the eldest child of Johannes
Keim, and the first Keim child to be born in the new country. And this,
I think, explains why Johannes was buried here rather than on his
original homestead some four or five miles away. This cemetery is
reputed to be the oldest in Berks county and was recently somewhat
restored by groups in Berks county who are dedicated to the restoration
of colonial period cemeteries.
By the time Johannes died in 1753 the children from his first marriage
had dispersed as indicated in his will of 1747, in which he says:
'All my children from my first wife leave me as soon as them comes to
their age, saying to me, 'Father, what you have, you have occasion for,
your own self. We will go and see to get our living for our own self'.'
Three of these six children married into well-established Oley families,
one becoming a prosperous storekeeper in Reading; the other three moved
away. (page 137, Oley Valley Heritage)
P. S. Oley Valley Heritage, The Colonial Years: 1700-1775 (232 pages)
was published in 1994 by the Oley Valley Heritage Association and is
available from the Reading Historical Society for about $40. It is a
thorough history of all details of the Oley Valley during that period,
and there are many references to the Keim family. In fact, the jacket
picture is of the Jacob Keim house (1753) and inside jacket picture is
of the DeTurk house (1767). Bertha DeTurk was Johannes' first wife, and
I presume that her family came shortly after she and Johannes emigrated
to America, lured by Johannes's description of the area.
______________________________.1 He was born circa 1675 at Speyer or Speier, Palatinate, Germany.1 He was the son of Johann Keim and Maria Elizabeth Schneider.1 Johannes Keim married Katarina 'Bertha' De Turck, daughter of Johannes DeTurk and Hester Kip, on 15 September 1706 at near Speier, Germany.1 Johannes Keim married Maria Elizabeth Boller(in) on 24 March 1730/31 at Oley Twp., Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1 Johannes Keim died in 1753 at Oley, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1
Robert was a G-G-G-G-grandson of Johannes Keim of the Palatinate,Circle of the Rhine, Germany, who left his homeland in 1698 due to religious unrest. He secured a grant from William Penn for land at Olney, PA, then returned home to marry, returning to settle in 1708. The old stone residence was still standing in Olney in 1924.
Mr. Robt. W. Kime is related to:
Gen. Randolph DeBenville Keim of Philadelphia and Gen. Ernest Keimwho fought in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, and to Eduard Von Keim, a Field Marshal of Austria.
The lineage is traced as: Johannes - Johannes -- Phillip -Christian - Henry - William Miles Kime (and Rebecca Hanner) to Robert Wilberforce Kimes who was an attorney.
Robert Wilberforce married Florence Jeeter 19 November 1891, a direct descendant of William Penn.
X-Message: #6
Date: Tue, 03 Jul 2001 19:07:15 -0500
From: Cindy
Message-ID: <>
Subject: [KEIM] Re: Johannes's grave site
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Russell Kime
weeks ago. With his permission, I'm forwarding this to the KEIM list....
thought some of you might find this quite interesting!
Cindy Kimes
In the book 'Oley Valley Heritage' by Phillip Pendleton I found 3 photos
of the Schneider Cemetery (pp 109-111) in which my brother Bill located
the grave of Johannes Keim last year. Of particular interest to me is
one which shows the gravestones of Johannes Schneider (1687-1743) and
his wife Katarina (1688-1774) who had to be the parents of John Henry
Schneider, husband of Katarina Keim who was the eldest child of Johannes
Keim, and the first Keim child to be born in the new country. And this,
I think, explains why Johannes was buried here rather than on his
original homestead some four or five miles away. This cemetery is
reputed to be the oldest in Berks county and was recently somewhat
restored by groups in Berks county who are dedicated to the restoration
of colonial period cemeteries.
By the time Johannes died in 1753 the children from his first marriage
had dispersed as indicated in his will of 1747, in which he says:
'All my children from my first wife leave me as soon as them comes to
their age, saying to me, 'Father, what you have, you have occasion for,
your own self. We will go and see to get our living for our own self'.'
Three of these six children married into well-established Oley families,
one becoming a prosperous storekeeper in Reading; the other three moved
away. (page 137, Oley Valley Heritage)
P. S. Oley Valley Heritage, The Colonial Years: 1700-1775 (232 pages)
was published in 1994 by the Oley Valley Heritage Association and is
available from the Reading Historical Society for about $40. It is a
thorough history of all details of the Oley Valley during that period,
and there are many references to the Keim family. In fact, the jacket
picture is of the Jacob Keim house (1753) and inside jacket picture is
of the DeTurk house (1767). Bertha DeTurk was Johannes' first wife, and
I presume that her family came shortly after she and Johannes emigrated
to America, lured by Johannes's description of the area.
______________________________.1 He was born circa 1675 at Speyer or Speier, Palatinate, Germany.1 He was the son of Johann Keim and Maria Elizabeth Schneider.1 Johannes Keim married Katarina 'Bertha' De Turck, daughter of Johannes DeTurk and Hester Kip, on 15 September 1706 at near Speier, Germany.1 Johannes Keim married Maria Elizabeth Boller(in) on 24 March 1730/31 at Oley Twp., Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1 Johannes Keim died in 1753 at Oley, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1
Children of Johannes Keim and Katarina 'Bertha' De Turck
- Katarina Keim1 b. 29 Sep 1708, d. 8 May 1798
- Johannes Peter Keim+1 b. 4 Mar 1709/10, d. 10 Oct 1782
- Stophel (Stephen) Keim1 b. 28 Mar 1717
- Hans Nickel Keim1 b. 2 Apr 1719, d. 3 Aug 1802
- Elizabeth Keim1 b. Feb 1722/23, d. 1781
- Jacob Keim1 b. 24 Oct 1724, d. 18 Oct 1799
Children of Johannes Keim and Maria Elizabeth Boller(in)
- Heinrich 'Henry' Keim1 b. 27 Apr 1732, d. b Jul 1802
- George Keim1 b. Aug 1733, d. bt 12 May 1812 - 7 Aug 1813
- Maria Keim1 b. Nov 1734, d. b 12 Mar 1803
- Conrad Keim1 b. 3 Dec 1734, d. c 1776
- Barbara Keim1 b. Feb 1735/36, d. c 1795
- Susanna(h) Keim1 b. 25 Dec 1739, d. 12 May 1809
- [S411] Sandra Jean Carmichael-Thoreson, "GEDCOM file soarjean.ged", GEDCOM File.
Johannes Peter Keim1
M, b. 4 March 1709/10, d. 10 October 1782
Johannes Peter Keim was born on 4 March 1709/10 at Oley, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1 He was the son of Johannes Keim and Katarina 'Bertha' De Turck.1 Johannes Peter Keim married Catharine Stump, daughter of Johann Julian Stump and Maria (?), in 1732 at USA.1 Johannes Peter Keim died on 10 October 1782 at Berks, Pennsylvania, USA, at age 72.1
Children of Johannes Peter Keim and Catharine Stump
- Johannes Keim1 b. c 1732, d. 1786
- Hans George Keim1 b. c 1736
- Conrad Keim1 b. c 1739
- Johann Peter Keim+1 b. c 1741, d. c Apr 1786
- George Keim1 b. 3 Dec 1753, d. 3 Sep 1836
- [S411] Sandra Jean Carmichael-Thoreson, "GEDCOM file soarjean.ged", GEDCOM File.
John Keim1
M, b. circa 1773
John Keim was born circa 1773 at Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1 He was the son of Johann Peter Keim and Mary (?).1
- [S411] Sandra Jean Carmichael-Thoreson, "GEDCOM file soarjean.ged", GEDCOM File.
Katarina Keim1
F, b. 29 September 1708, d. 8 May 1798
Katarina Keim was born on 29 September 1708 at Oley, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1 She was the daughter of Johannes Keim and Katarina 'Bertha' De Turck.1 Katarina Keim married an unknown person in 1728.1 She died on 8 May 1798 at Oley Twp., Berks, Pennsylvania, USA, at age 89.1
- [S411] Sandra Jean Carmichael-Thoreson, "GEDCOM file soarjean.ged", GEDCOM File.
Ludwig Hericourt Keim
M, b. 1598, d. 1664
Ludwig Hericourt Keim was born in 1598 at Speier, Palatinate, Germany. He was the son of Gottschalk Keim and (?) De Hericourt. Ludwig Hericourt Keim married Bertha (?) in 1618 at Speier, Palatinate, Germany. Ludwig Hericourt Keim died in 1664 at Speier, Palatinate, Germany.
Child of Ludwig Hericourt Keim and Bertha (?)
- George Keim+ b. c 1623, d. a 1690
Maria Keim1
F, b. November 1734, d. before 12 March 1803
Maria Keim was born in November 1734 at Oley Valley, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1 She was the daughter of Johannes Keim and Maria Elizabeth Boller(in).1 Maria Keim married an unknown person circa 1754 at USA.1 She died before 12 March 1803 at Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1
- [S411] Sandra Jean Carmichael-Thoreson, "GEDCOM file soarjean.ged", GEDCOM File.
Mary Keim1
F, b. 1779, d. 1828
Mary Keim lists a Mary (no surname) and Veronica Berkey as possible mothers for Mary Keim. She was born in 1779 at Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1 She was the daughter of Johann Peter Keim and Mary (?).1 Mary Keim married Jacob Yoder, son of John Yoder and Barbara Rickenbach, circa 1798 at Juniata, Pennsylvania, USA.2 Mary Keim married an unknown person circa 1806 at Mifflin, Pennsylvania, USA.1 She died in 1828 at Centre, Pennsylvania, USA.1
Children of Mary Keim and Jacob Yoder
- Anna Yoder b. 1807, d. 20 Nov 1852
- Jonathan J. Yoder+ b. 21 Nov 1809, d. 30 Sep 1886
- Lydia Yoder+ b. 4 Oct 1811, d. 19 Aug 1899
- John P. Yoder b. 4 Sep 1813, d. 29 Aug 1896
- Elizabeth Yoder+ b. 12 Sep 1815, d. 7 Feb 1888
- Barbara Yoder b. c 1817, d. 4 Jun 1887
- Rebecca Yoder b. c 1819, d. WFT Est. 1820-1913
- Drusilla Yoder b. c 1820, d. WFT Est. 1821-1914
Nicholas Keim1
M, b. 2 February 1768, d. 18 October 1830
Nicholas Keim KEIMS/HOREIN FAMILY and AmishMennonite Genealogies, Gingerich and Kreider, 1986 KM1
27 children, including 3 from his second marriage and three from his third who died in infancy and were both unnamed and uncoded inAAMG--footnote #7, p 198.
Lehman Database from Bruce Lehman. He From Keim digests at He was born on 2 February 1768 at Oley, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1 He was the son of Johann Peter Keim and Mary (?).1 Nicholas Keim married Veronica Stutzman, daughter of Christian Stutzman and Barbara Hochstetler, circa 1788.2 Nicholas Keim married Veronica Hostetler circa 1808.2 Nicholas Keim married Catherine Eash circa 1821.2 Nicholas Keim died on 18 October 1830 at Salisbury, Somerset, Pennsylvania, USA, at age 62.1
27 children, including 3 from his second marriage and three from his third who died in infancy and were both unnamed and uncoded inAAMG--footnote #7, p 198.
Lehman Database from Bruce Lehman. He From Keim digests at He was born on 2 February 1768 at Oley, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1 He was the son of Johann Peter Keim and Mary (?).1 Nicholas Keim married Veronica Stutzman, daughter of Christian Stutzman and Barbara Hochstetler, circa 1788.2 Nicholas Keim married Veronica Hostetler circa 1808.2 Nicholas Keim married Catherine Eash circa 1821.2 Nicholas Keim died on 18 October 1830 at Salisbury, Somerset, Pennsylvania, USA, at age 62.1
Peter Keim1
M, b. 16 September 1781, d. 28 July 1870
Peter Keim was born on 16 September 1781 at Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1 He was the son of Johann Peter Keim and Mary (?).1 Peter Keim married an unknown person in 1811 at Somerset, Pennsylvania, USA.1 He married an unknown person on 31 March 1839 at Holmes, Ohio, USA.1 He died on 28 July 1870 at Elkhart, Indiana, USA, at age 88.1
- [S411] Sandra Jean Carmichael-Thoreson, "GEDCOM file soarjean.ged", GEDCOM File.
Samuel Keim1
M, b. 1775
Samuel Keim died at Somerset, Pennsylvania, USA.1 He was born in 1775 at Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1 He was the son of Johann Peter Keim and Mary (?).1 Samuel Keim married an unknown person circa 1798 at USA.1
- [S411] Sandra Jean Carmichael-Thoreson, "GEDCOM file soarjean.ged", GEDCOM File.
Stophel (Stephen) Keim1
M, b. 28 March 1717
Stophel (Stephen) Keim was born on 28 March 1717 at Oley, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1 He was the son of Johannes Keim and Katarina 'Bertha' De Turck.1 Stophel (Stephen) Keim married an unknown person in 1737 at USA.1
- [S411] Sandra Jean Carmichael-Thoreson, "GEDCOM file soarjean.ged", GEDCOM File.
Susanna(h) Keim1
F, b. 25 December 1739, d. 12 May 1809
Susanna(h) Keim was born on 25 December 1739 at Oley, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1 She was the daughter of Johannes Keim and Maria Elizabeth Boller(in).1 Susanna(h) Keim married an unknown person on 25 October 1757.1 She died on 12 May 1809 at age 69.1
- [S411] Sandra Jean Carmichael-Thoreson, "GEDCOM file soarjean.ged", GEDCOM File.
Hans Pierter Kip
M, b. 1626, d. 1690
Hans Pierter Kip married Rachel DuFour. Hans Pierter Kip was born in 1626 at Frankenthal, Rheinhessen-Pfalz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. He died in 1690 at Germany.
Child of Hans Pierter Kip and Rachel DuFour
- Hester Kip+ b. 28 Aug 1656, d. c 1731
Hester Kip
F, b. 28 August 1656, d. circa 1731
Hester Kip was born on 28 August 1656 at Frankenthal, Rheinhessen-Pfalz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. She was the daughter of Hans Pierter Kip and Rachel DuFour. Hester Kip married Johannes DeTurk, son of Johannes DeTurk and Geetruit deBrier, on 22 April 1675 at Frankenthal, Rheinhessen-Pfalz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. Hester Kip died circa 1731 at Oley Valley, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.
Children of Hester Kip and Johannes DeTurk
- John Pieter DeTurk b. 1 Mar 1670/71, d. WFT Est. 1672-1761
- Jacominia DeTurk b. 18 Dec 1677, d. WFT Est. 1678-1771
- Sarah DeTurk b. 8 Jan 1679/80, d. WFT Est. 1681-1774
- Issac DeTurk b. 17 Jan 1685, d. 1727
- Esther Cornelia DeTurk b. 17 Aug 1687, d. WFT Est. 1688-1781
- Katarina 'Bertha' De Turck+ b. 1688, d. 1731
Hans Kurtz
Hans Kurtz married Elizabeth Rickenbach, daughter of Henry Rickenbach and Barbara Thommen, circa 1748 at Berks, Pennsylvania, USA; Faust & Brumbaugh (1925, p 127).1,2
Jacob Lapp1
M, b. 26 October 1766, d. 21 June 1854
Jacob Lapp was born on 26 October 1766 at Chester, Pennsylvania, USA.1 He married Margaret Rickenbach, daughter of John Rickenbach and (?) Anna, in 1789 at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA.1 Jacob Lapp died on 21 June 1854 at Erie, New York, USA, at age 87.1
- [S416] Hugh Gingerich and Rachel Kreider, Amish and Amish Mennonite Genealogies.
John Lapp1
M, b. 9 December 1764, d. August 1815
John Lapp was born on 9 December 1764 at Chester, Pennsylvania, USA.1 He married Mary Rickenbach, daughter of John Rickenbach and (?) Anna, in 1787 at Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1 John Lapp died in August 1815 at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA, at age 50.1
- [S416] Hugh Gingerich and Rachel Kreider, Amish and Amish Mennonite Genealogies.
Michael Lapp1
M, b. 10 October 1770, d. 1802
Michael Lapp was born on 10 October 1770 at Chester, Pennsylvania, USA.1 He married Catherine Rickenbach, daughter of John Rickenbach and (?) Anna, in 1795 at Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1 Michael Lapp died in 1802 at Berks, Pennsylvania, USA.1
- [S416] Hugh Gingerich and Rachel Kreider, Amish and Amish Mennonite Genealogies.
Hugo LeTurk
M, b. circa 1540, d. 1601
Hugo LeTurk married Marget dePrivas WFT Est. 1543-1591. Hugo LeTurk was also known as DeTurk. He was Mayor at Nismes or Nimes, Gard, France. He was born circa 1540. He was the son of Reginald LeTurk and Louison deFoix. Hugo LeTurk died in 1601.
Children of Hugo LeTurk and Marget dePrivas
- Harmen DeTurk b. WFT Est. 1546-1595, d. WFT Est. 1563-1673
- Robert DeTurk b. WFT Est. 1546-1595, d. WFT Est. 1563-1673
- Sancred DeTurk b. WFT Est. 1546-1595, d. WFT Est. 1563-1673
- Michael DeTurk+ b. c 1565